Yuan Changming (China/Canada) is 9-time Pushcart nominee, grew up in rural China, began to learn the English alphabet at 19, and published monographs before moving to Canada as an international student. While pursuing his graduate studies in University of Saskatchewan, he helped establish the Saskatchewan Chinese Monthly, and served as its chief editor until 1992. After obtaining his PhD in English, he began to work as a private tutor in Vancouver. In early August 2004, Changming started to write poetry in English and is now probably the world's most widely published poetry author who speaks Mandarin but writes mainly in English: since mid-2005, Changming has had poetry appearing in more than 1,000 literary journals/anthologies across 38 countries









“How about doing some hiking on Cloud Trail today?” Hua asked after you finished eating the leftovers from your previous pigeon feast.


            “What kinda trail? Where’s it?”


            “It’s an 11-kilo-long pedestrian-only road built above trees in Fragrance Hill, only three bus stops from Fuhua Square.”


            A passionate lover of nature, you jumped at her proposal.


            To evade recognition by someone, Hua disguised herself by putting on her fancy sunglass and extra-large facial mask in addition to a black baseball cap. When you entered the nature park and began to climb along the path sloping slightly upwards, you found yourself instantly lost in the scenic landscape. Standing almost at the center of the inner city, the hill was the second tallest one in greater Zhuhai, with several creeks joining in the Fragrance Lake, which was as large as 74,000 square meters. Walking slowly hand in hand, you were greeted and kissed and caressed from time to time by accommodating mists as if drifting along with the clouds. On the peak, you could see the whole city spreading around along the shore, with as many as a hundred islets, each glistening like an irregularly-shaped pearl. As your body and mind became harmonized with nature, you could not help reciting Li Po’s well-known poem “Staying Overnight in a Mountain Temple”:


            The tower stands a hundred feet high,


            Stars can be plucked from the sky.


            I dare not raise my voice, for fear of


            Disturbing folks in the heaven nigh.


            “This poem makes me feel like a Daoist immortal.” Hua said.


            “Me too! Aren’t we a happy immortal couple now?”


            “Yay! I wish to have brought my staffs to do a landscape sketch here.”


            “But we can use your cellphone to take pictures,” you suggested.


            “Let’s do it.”


            As you continued to walk along and shoot photos of the scenery, you told Hua that you had a passionate love for trees.


“Why?” Hua asked.


“To me, every single tree is a good living poem, always full of vitality, having such a graceful shape and looking so really handsome,” you answered.


“What’s the most beautiful thing about it?”


“Its uniqueness. Look, each is different in both body and spirit.” 






When you finished hiking and had a quick meal at a food outlet close to the park, Hua told you to return to Fuhua Square alone and take a good nap by yourself, because she had some errands to do.


            Back into her suite, you looked around only to see every piece of furniture covered with plastics in every other room. Out of curiosity, you checked in Ping’s personal bedroom and washroom on the west side, and could not help feeling both sorry for, and envious of, him. Though he had been Hua’s “perfectly loving husband,” tall, handsome, and reasonably wealthy, though she had kept portraying him as a humorous and “extremely smart” man, he had nevertheless been made a poor cuckold. -- How many husbands in this world are cuckolds without ever knowing it, just like him, you wondered. From her appreciative tone and frequent references to him, you knew she still loved him very much, probably even more than she did you, but why did she eventually yield to your unintentional seduction? What was exactly the single remark you made, or the single act you performed, that had caused her fall? This question had no easy answer, but it was amusing to you.


Meanwhile, you felt more envious than sympathetic with Ping. For all Chinese men including yourself and him, the most ideal wife was a woman not only beautiful and elegant to show to family and friends or the public, but also capable and diligent enough to have at home. Just as the husband is “the sky” or the wallet of a wife, the wife is “the earth” or the “face” of a husband. In this traditional sense, Hua was an even more desirable woman than Helen, for she was just as presentable as your “face” as Helen, but a much more remarkable home-maker in every sense, with better cooking skills, cleaner habits and higher working efficiency. Indeed, based on your close observation for the past few days, you knew Hua had been playing her social roles extremely well as a dutiful daughter, a caring sister, a good mother and a perfect wife. You wondered why her husband, a quite mediocre rival to you, a lazy, talentless and tone-deaf man who was a second-rate individual at best in Chinese standards, should deserve such a first-rate woman. You knew it was just a matter of karma or yuanfen, but as a popular saying goes, it is a fact of life that “pigs have ruined all the good cabbage crops.” Of course, in a sense, you were a pig as well, much shorter and less rich and handsome.


You remembered how Hua agreed to marry Ping, her first and last date, as a result of the several particularly touching things he had done for her in their junior college, and how she found you acceptable as an old flame mainly due to the words you had written for her. Once, you argued with her that all marriages were economical deals, but she insisted that hers was a result of pure love rather than of socio-economical deliberations.


You thought of the lover’s dilemma, a classic suppositious situation for every Chinese lover, where you could save only one when your parent and lover both were drowning. Who would Hua choose to rescue, Ping or you, if she had a Hobson’s choice to make? Before you could reach a conclusion, Hua returned home, her forehead and neck sweating quite profusely.


“Try these clothes I’ve just bought for you!” she said.


It was a long-sleeved formal shirt and a collared T-shirt, both black, and luxurious-looking. "Why? I don’t need either,” you said, while putting on the T-shirt obediently.


“See? It fits you so perfectly well!” she exclaimed.


“I like it very much!” you said, thinking that Helen had never bought anything so expensive for you. Most clothes she had purchased were either unfitting or unlikable in terms of style, color or quality. Touched and confounded at the same time, you asked Hua when and why she decided to buy the clothes for you, and even one for your mother.


“Just on a whim. I believed they must look good on you,” Hua explained.


“Why such a costly sweater for my mom as well?


“Because I wanna give her a gift since you’re returning to your mom’s home in a few days.”


Her response made you believe that you had most probably defeated Ping and won the emotional contest, at least for the moment. To show your appreciation, confirm your victory, or reclaim your sovereignty over her heart and body, you helped her take a shower, dragged her naked to the bed where you offered to do some special Taoist messaging. She said she enjoyed ganbei most, in which you used your thumbs, fork and middle fingers to pinch-roll her muscles on the back in a wave-like cycle.


“You wife is lucky to have you as her personal massagist!” Hua said.


“No, I’ve never given her any massage!”


“Not even ganbei? It’s so wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable!”


“Absolutely not. You’re the only person I feel like massaging.”


When you both lied down, Hua asked you to begin to tell her your life experiences between 1980 and 2000, saying that she actually preferred to listen to your story rather than read the first part of your To My First Loves as you suggested earlier, The main reason was, she emphasized, that those letters were addressed to Yiming, not Hua herself to begin with.


“Is there anything you would like to hear first today?”


“You once mentioned something about your wife’s ‘spiritual derailment,’ now tell me all the ins and outs of the story!”


            Well, it took place in the mid-summer of 1993, you recalled, shortly after you moved from Saskatoon to Vancouver. While busy with your graduate studies at UBC, you worked part time as an ESL instructor in Stanford College, a language school founded in North Van by a Dr. Chen, a middle-aged businessman who owned a highly profitable private clinic in Taiwan. After an in-depth chat, you and Chen both “regretted not having met earlier.” Knowing that you had had much teaching and managing experience before leaving China, Chen promised to hire you officially as the dean of his college once you received your doctorate. Before that, he would like you to help “supervise” the current dean, a senior English gentleman who used to be the principal of a local public high school before retirement.


            Several months later, when Chen returned from Taipei, you invited him to have a homemade dinner together. To show his gratitude or appreciation, Chen said that he would like to offer your wife a part time position as a dorm supervisor after getting rid of the present one.   


            “We’re really fortunate to have met Chen!” Helen said as soon as your guest left.


            So you really were. Since that meeting, everything went well for both you and your wife. Except for a couple of night classes to teach every week, you didn’t have to do anything else for Chen’s school, so you focused on your dissertation, hoping to get your degree and take the job in due course.


            But on a moony and quite hot night, Helen didn’t return home around ten as you had expected. Assuming she must have missed the last seabus to cross Burrard Inlet, you became worried about her safety. Without a cellphone, which was still very rare back then, you could do nothing but wait passively until midnight.


            “How come you’re so late this time? How did you get home after the seabus stopped for the night?” you asked her.


            “Dr. Chen gave me a ride,” she answered, with a note of uneasiness in her voice. 


            “But how come you arrived nearly two hours late? I’ve been worrying about you!” you asked her again, more curious than suspicious, as it should have been just a half hour’s drive at night.


            “We had a talk,” she responded impatiently. 


            “About what? For so long? And where were you two talking?” You had never meant to interrogate her, but for the first time since your marriage you felt something quite fishy. On the one hand, you just couldn’t imagine what they two could possibly have been talking about, since she had begun to work for the school only two days before, and should have little to say to him or anybody else about running a language school in Canada. She had neither the knowledge nor the experience nor even any interest in this respect. On the other, it was as much contradictory to her character as extraordinary for any prudent Chinese wife like her to stay alone with a male boss so late at night. Most disturbing was a strong suggestion in the dark atmosphere of your small rented suite about her desperate effort to hide something from you.


“About the students, in his car,” she responded briefly as she usually or habitually did, but in an unusually reluctant way.


“You’re saying you two had been staying in his BMW talking about the students for nearly two hours at midnight?” you asked her again to make sure of the situation.


            Probably because her explanation didn’t sound plausible even to herself, she softened her tone into a murmur, adding, “He invited me to have a night snack at an Earl’s.”


            “Did he try to … harass, or flirt with you?”


            “Oh, no, no!”


            “Then, why didn’t you tell me this the moment you got home? If I hadn’t kept asking you, you’d never have told me the truth, wouldn’t you?”




            “The cat got your tongue?”




            If she had explained that she avoided saying anything in the first place because she didn’t want you to become jealous or suspicious, you would have had every reason to shrug off the matter. But the more hesitancy she showed in addressing your concern, the more you felt resentful and even hurt. Apparently, she had at least hoped to develop a relationship with Dr. Chen, even though he might not necessarily have had such a romantic agenda hidden in his heart. Put differently, she was prepared for or, rather, actually beginning the process of, a spiritual derailment, unilaterally if not in accomplice with him. Though at your home party Chen had praised her as “an ideal wife whose cooking skills are as good as her looks,” you knew that he was just trying to be polite when he quoted the famous Chinese saying; furthermore, you didn’t think Chen was really her type, nor was she a loose or frivolous woman in the first place. As a quite traditionally minded woman, she was in every sense the opposite of Daisy in Great Gatsby.


But why was she anticipating a relationship with Chen? You asked yourself in agony. Perhaps she had become keenly aware that you could no longer give her a safe and decent life here in a new country. At the depth of her mind, you had depreciated into a doomed pauper who had no future, not to mention a rosy one! This idea was particularly excruciating.


            Thinking Chen might have been coming on to your wife, you found yourself overwhelmed with rage. Early next morning, you went to the school to settle the score with Chen. Unable to locate him anywhere, you left a written message to him and quit your job. By the end of the same week, you sent your wife and son back to China for the summer vocation.


            “You’re too sensitive,” Hua said. “You must have overreacted to the situation.”
            “Maybe or maybe not,” you said. “But I felt so hurt then I began to think of you constantly.”


            “What’s that to do with me?”


            “Because with our common zhiqing experience, you would never even think of leaving me when things look gloomy ahead of us. I mean, you would definitely share weal and woe with me.”


            “Goes without saying. Now I see why you’re not so morally troubled by our affair as me.”




            “Because you think she has emotionally betrayed you first.”
            “I agree. Consciously or otherwise, I always try to find a way to do myself justice, especially in such emotional matters, just as some people do when law fails them.”


            “Go on with your story!”
Shortly after Helen returned home from her lengthy China trip, you recalled further, she first found a job as a secretary for a Cantonese-speaking boss in Chinatown, and then worked as a receptionist for an Italian owner of an ice cream factory until she began to work as a casher for a grocery store. Seeing it was too hard for her to deal with her bosses, who were either too nasty or too demanding, you decided to buy a small laundromat so she could work just for herself.


            As a self-employed operator, Helen felt greatly relieved because there was no more need to worry about any boss or co-worker’s harassment, though she had to work twelve hours a day to earn a few hundred dollars per month after paying the rent and all the bills.


            A couple of years later, you realized that there seemed to be no safe working place for your wife. Around lunchtime on a mid-summer day in 1999, Helen was washing and folding towels and uniforms for a local community center all by herself in her laundromat when a young Caucasian guy sneaked in quietly like a poisonous snake and held her tightly from behind all of a sudden. Aghast, she tried hard to turn back and see who the person was, but found herself being dragged forcefully to the washroom. The moment she realized this was a sexual assault, she began to scream at the top of her voice while struggling fiercely with all her strengths against the offender. As soon as the evil guy was scared away, Helen phoned you. And immediately you called the police about the assault, who arrived at the scene almost at the same time as you did from your teaching trip as one of the busiest tutors in town.  


            Seeing her neck and arms full of bruises, you felt a wave of tender love for your wife surging high in your heart. As the owner-operator of the laundromat, she had not only been working extremely hard for the past two years, but she had also suffered from bullying customers from time to time. Once she was verbally abused by a Vietnamese client. Another time, she was molested by an eastern Indian. For several months in a run before the millennium celebrations, she had been approached quite aggressively by a gentleman-like Caucasian, who gave her a bouquet of roses each time he went to wash his clothes there. Only after she told him that she had a loving husband and happy family did the guy give up his courting effort. Recalling all the hardships your wife had gone through there, you decided on the spot to sell the small business to free her from strenuous work and personal danger. By then, you had come to see your Canadian dream as something quite attainable, though it was full of nightmarish elements.


            “So, by rejecting the white guy, you wife did stand the test well this time,” Hua observed.


            Instead of arguing whether that had really been a test at all, you began trying to have sex with Hua again, but she pushed you away slowly and steadily, ordering you to continue recharging your sexual battery.


“You’ve had two orgasms, three ejaculations and five entrances already within the past three days,” she counted. “Now behave yourself and go to your bed for another night!”


Translated by the Author


















“这是一条建在香山树上的步行道,长 11 公里,离富华广场只有三个车站。”


作为大自然的狂热爱好者,你欣然接受了她的提议。为了避免被人认出,华戴上她那副花哨的太阳镜和超大口罩,还了一顶黑色棒球帽伪装自己。进入自然公园你俩便开始沿着略微向上倾斜的栈道向上不久你发现自己迷失于如画的风景中。山几乎位于市中心,是珠海第二高山,几条小溪汇入面积达 74,000 平方米的香湖。你们手牵手缓缓而行,云雾不时迎面而来,仿佛随云飘荡。在山顶上,整个城市沿着海岸延伸,多达百余个小岛,每个都像一颗颗形状不规则的珍珠,闪闪发光。当身心与自然融为一体时,你不禁吟诵起李白的名诗《山寺夜宿》:










































是一件长袖正装衬衫和一件有领 T 恤,都是黑色的,看起来很







































































































