Richa  Jain (India/ UK) writes in Hindi and English. Her first collection of Hindi poems has been honoured by High Commission of India, London and published by Bhartiya Gyanpith in 2020. Her poems have been published in magazines, anthologies and websites. She is an active member of 'Vatayan' - a prominent Hindi literature group based in the UK. She participates and contributes regularly in Croydon poetry readings and publications.   She works as a software professional and likes to teach Hindi in her free time. She lives in London with her family.






(This is about my special need sister who was born with a rare skin syndrome called cutis laxa. This was just one of the disabilities she is living with.)

Guian was born
Like an old lady. Wrinkled all over
when she walked, children followed her, just like they follow a street dog or a street cat or a pet monkey of a street juggler  
Grownups stared just like they would stare at anything unusual.
‘Why is Guiyan the way she is?’
Guiyan would think but could never understand.
One day Guiyaan heard a school-bell The children ran with their bags. And so did Guiyaan.
They all went inside, and the doors closed.
Guiyan remained outside, day after day, year after year.
The old little girl cried in sorrow, in grief which she could neither contain nor dissipate.
The days passed by, and on one day Guiyan heard a whistle.
On your mark. Get set go...
And Guiyan also ran with a flag
Guiya fell down,
little old Guiya fell with great force, wounded – hurt.
The days passed by, and on one day Guiyaan heard the 'ding-ding' of bicycles.
Guiyan also climbed on the seat
And pushed hard, the wheels moved. The wheels moved. Hurrah!
But the wheel got stuck in a heap of grit.
little old Guiyan fell over sharp angular stones, torn, wounded and hurt.
The days kept passing by, Guiyaan kept picking up the cues, kept hearing the sounds, kept falling over.
She was hurt, wounded but she did not stop listening.
Then one fine day Guiyaan heard 'a splash'
An accomplished swimmer, Guiyan's uncle –
took her to the river Narmada and tied two puffs around her arms
Guiyas, move your feet, said he.
Guiyan moved 'splash' ‘splash 'splash'
Guiyan, move your hands,
said he.
Guiyan moved her little old hands 'splash' 'splash' 'splash'
Water held neither closed doors,
nor hidden pits. No gravel was scattered here.
Guiyan neither had to see people's stares, nor their grimaces.
Guiyas became water, and the water Guinyan.
Guiyaan swam – splash splash splash
Today, little old Guiyan swims across the river.


 Translated by the poet



 गुइयाँ तैरती है – Guiyaan swims across

(यह कविता मेरी बड़ी बहन के बारे में हैं। वह एक असाधारण त्वचा की बीमारी क्यूटिस लैक्सा के साथ पैदा हुई। ज्यों-ज्यों उम्र बढ़ी, अन्य शारीरिक और मानसिक समस्याएँ भी घर करती गयीं। )   

जब पैदा हुई गुइयाँ
तो बुढ़िया सी
बुढ़िया सी गुइयाँ बड़ी हुई, धीरे-धीरे, थोड़ी-थोड़ी
गुइयाँ चली
वो चले तो सब पीछे-पीछे  
ज्यों हो मदारी की बंदरिया  
गुइयाँ सोचे-विचारे पर बूझ ना पाये
गुइयाँ क्यों गुइयाँ सी

फिर एक दिन गुइयाँ ने एक घंटी सुनी
सब चले, गुइयाँ भी बस्ता लेकर चल दी   
सब अंदर, और किवाड़ हो गए बंद
गुइयाँ रह गई बाहर, बार-बार
रो पड़ी, बुढ़िया सी गुइयाँ मन मसोस रो पड़ी,
टूट गयी

फिर गुइयाँ ने सीटी सुनी
एक, दो, तीन ...
गुइयाँ भी झंडी लेके दौड़ी
गुइयाँ गिर पड़ी, बुढ़िया सी गुइयाँ बड़े ज़ोरों से गिर पड़ी,
टूट गयी, फूट गयी     
फिर सुनी उसने ‘ट्रिन-ट्रिन’
गुइयाँ भी सीट पे चढ़ी  
खूब ज़ोर लगाया, चका घुमाया, घुमाया   
चका चला, चका चला, चका चढ़ गया गिट्टी में, चका फँस गया गिट्टी में  
गुइयाँ लुढ़क गयी, बुढ़िया सी गुइयाँ ज़ोर से लुढ़क गयी,
टूट गयी, फूट गयी 

गुइयाँ फिर सुनती, फिर टूटती-फूटती
पर सुनती रही  
गुइयाँ ने सुनना ना छोड़ा   

फिर एक दिन उसने सुना ‘छपाक’    
गुइयाँ के मामा बड़े तैराक
लिवा गए नर्मदा और बाँध बाँह में दो फुग्गे
बोले, गुइयाँ, पैर चलाओ
गुइयाँ ने चलाए ‘छप’ ‘छप’ ‘छप’
बोले, गुइयाँ, हाथ चलाओ
गुइयाँ ने चलाए ‘छप’ ‘छप’ ‘छप’
पानी ने ना किवाड़ अड़काए  
ना गड्ढे बनाए, ना गिट्टी छितराई
ना लोगों की आँखें, ना उनकी किरकिरी
ना बातें दरदरी  
गुइयाँ पानी हो गई, पानी गुइयाँ
सिल गयी, खिल गयी  
जुड़ गयी, गुइयाँ, जी गयी, गुइयाँ   
अब उस पार जाती है
इस पार आती है
बुढ़िया सी गुइयाँ नर्मदा तैर जाती है