Mehrangiz Rassapour (Iran/England) is a poet, literary critic, translator, and editor of Vajeh ("Word"), a cultural and literary magazine. Born in Khorramabad, Iran, she began writing poetry at nine and published her first ghazal at thirteen. Her poetry collections include Spark Dies at Once (Jaragheh Zood Mimirad, 1992, Iran), And Then the Sun (Va Sepass Aftaab, England), Birds Are Out of Date (Parandeh Digar, Nah, Germany), which received critical acclaim, and The Planet of Pause (Sayaareh-ye Derang, 2012). Her fifth book is forthcoming. Her work, including Stoning, Lash, How Good to Be a Woman, Prisoner, and The Ten-Year-Old Bride, has been translated into multiple languages, earning recognition for its powerful voice. At an international poetry festival in France, she was honored as "The Dawn of Literature" by Le Temps. In 1999, she founded Today’s Review, a forum for Persian literature. She gives lectures and poetry readings in Persian, English, and French across England and internationally.












Tell me,

Tell me

            to write!


Your words

Are the first dream

Lingering in the imagination of day

And the pauses between them

Are like the hidden melody in wine.


My witness

The tears of a drowned man

Wept under water.



Tell me,

            how did the earth turn yesterday?

            why isn’t the earth turning today?


I like what you say:

            ‘let’s migrate to a paradise

             far away from the wisdom of prophets!’



As soon as you begin,

My notebook moves aside

And listens;

And my pen’s not writing, it’s listening!



My poem


                        my name.


Let them write and write –

Those who don’t hear the voice

That takes you and me

                                   to union.



How am i to write?

Your words

            make my pen  

                                  swoon. . .           



 translated from the persian by robert chandler








Desert . . .

         and the incendiary sun. .


woman’s tongue is moist!                 


She licks the thorn's dream

Blossoms sprout on the tip of its claws

She licks the soil's dream

                                   a fountain emerges

She licks the stone's dream

                                   it bears fruit                                  

She licks the dream of the driest leaf

                                                    taken by the wind

It jumps back on the bough


And woman?

Dances in heaven!




 Translated from the Persian by Mehrangiz Rassapour


Edited by Catherine Davidson                                                  








بگو بنويسم


بگو بنويسم!

حرف‌های تو

خواب نخستينی است

که از تخيلِ روز می‌گذرد

و مکث‌هايت

                  به آهنگِ پنهان در شراب می‌ماند


گواهِ من

اشک‌‌های مغروقی است

که زيرِ آب گريسته باشد!





      ديروز زمين که تند می‌چرخيد

     امروز چرا دگر نمی‌چرخد؟


 چه خوب می‌گويی:


                        « بيا کوچ کنيم به بهشتی

                         دور از عقل هرچه پيامبر! »


همين که تو آغاز می‌کنی

دفترم کنار می‌رود

                           و به تو گوش می‌کند

قلم ام نمی‌نويسد،

                       گوش . . . می‌کند!


و شعرِ من

                نام مرا

                          فراموش می‌کند


بگذار بنويسند

آن هايی که نمی‌شنوند صدايی را

که مرا  با تو

                . . . هماغوش می‌کند


چگونه بنويسم؟

حرف‌های تو

قلم مرا

       مدهوش مي‌کند!







معجزه‌ی زن


صحرا . . .

و خورشید آتش زا . . .


زبانِ زن، مرطوب!

می‌لیسد رویای خار را

شکوفه می‌شکفد در سرپنجه‌هایش!


می‌لیسد رویای خاک را

                            چشمه می‌زند!

می‌ليسد رويای سنگ را

                           ميوه می‌دهد!


رویای خشک‌ترین برباد رفته . . . برگ را

    بر شاخه می‌پرد!


و زن ؟

می‌رقصد در بهشت