Linda Morales Caballero (Peru/USA) is a writer, journalist, and teacher. She is the author of El libro de los enigmas which stories have produced an awarded short film, a play, and monologues in New York and Madrid. She has seven poetry books to her credit. Her work has been published in multiple languages. Her book, El rumor de las cosas was awarded the International Latino Book Awards as one of the best poetry books of 2020.











Her warrior's frame died

disarmed after biting me.

Maybe I'm stronger than her jaw

and the thunder of my skin

broke her bones.


Or maybe

the arduous sound that plagues me

executed my memories

on her key.


We are all little instruments,

small shells breaking

with no rhythm-altering consequences,

only causing damage

that spread like in a domino’s game.





The pachydermal nail looks at me,

Stares at me with its eyes of remembrance.

Undeniably tragic, it testifies monstrous…


It refuses to be beautified.

It pleases it to mummify itself in its strangeness.

Its hidden nerve hurts,

It underlines catastrophe: life.


The validity of its cry

Mutely alters

My perception of the world.






Murió su armazón de guerrera,

se desarmó después de morderme.

Quizás soy más fuerte que su

mandíbula y el tronar de mi piel

le partió los huesos.


O tal vez,

el sonido arduo que me aqueja

ejecutó mis recuerdos

en su tecla.

Todos somos pequeños instrumentos,

pequeñas cáscaras rompiéndose

sin consecuencias que alteren el ritmo

del todo, sólo causantes de daños 

que se contagian en dominó.






La uña paquidérmica me mira

clavándome sus ojos de recuerdo.

Innegablemente trágica testifica monstruosa...


Rechaza ser embellecida,

le place momificarse en su extrañeza

Duele herido su nervio oculto,

subyace, a la catástrofe, a la vida.


La validez de su grito

mudamente altera

mi percepción de todo.

Translated by the poet