Bojana Radovanović (Serbia/Austria) is a writer and translator. She is a teacher of French, English and Latin and doing her doctorate in history at University of Vienna. Her poems and short stories have been published in Serbia in various anthologies and magazines. She has translated two books into Serbian language. Presently, she is working on her poetry book. Radovanović lives and works in Vienna.









A thought is turning pale under the Moonlight

A decolored scarf in the sea of debris

seeking for a crying face, bathed in rain.

Nobody’s untold words remain

like mud on a shoe

like crow’s feet around the eyes

and wrinkles on the forehead

to rot as an old memory…

Nobody’s people

mute as the language which they do not speak

frozen like fingers in the snow

trapped in a no-man’s land,

between the day and the night,

between the worlds and unuttered words.




No, not even this one has passed me by and just left me alone, in spite of my recurrent hopes..

As usual, in this hour of the day, that hole in the material I am made of

becomes translucent, and exposes my utterly naked and fragile self,

when the cloth just randomly and carelessly covering it, coloured in some attractive colours, suddenly, in twilight, becomes transparent,

under the setting sun which throws its last light-beams over it, bleaching it..

...Born with a fabric mistake, with a hole in my tissue, like the roof of the shaman's yurt, letting everything fall in, every raindrop, never keeping my head dry...



Translated by the Poet









Misao bdi dok bludi pod mesečinom...

Izbledela marama u moru škarta

traži pokislo isplakano lice.

Ničije neizgovorene reči ostaju kao blato na cipelama,

u senkama oko očiju, borama na čelu

da trunu kao sećanje...

Ničija zemlja, ničiji ljudi, ničije reči neme kao jezik

što ga ne govore ovi ljudi prozebli kao prsti pod snegom,

zarobljeni izmedju noći i dana,

između svetova i loših prevoda.








Ni ovaj me nije mimoišao, a uvek se iznova ponadam da će baš jedan ovakav to i da uradi, da prođe negde mimo mene i ostavi me na miru. Kao i često u ovo doba dana, ona moja rupa u tkanju kao da mi se nekako proseni i osećam se krhko i golo, kao da tkanina samo nemarno prebačena preko nje i obojena u neke atraktivne boje odjednom, u sumrak, postane prozračna, da li od zalazećeg sunca koje baca svoje nejako svetlo na nju i sasvim je izbledi...

...Rođena sa fabričkom greškom, rupom u tkanju, poput krova šamanskog šatora kroz koji sve prolazi, svaka kap kiše upada unutra i nikad da mi je glava na suvom...