Hussein Habasch (Kurdistan/Germany) is a poet from Afrin. He lives in Bonn-Germany.He writes in Kurdish and Arabic. Some of his poems were translated to many languages such as; English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Turkish, Persian, Albanian, Uzbek, Russian, Italian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Serbian and Romanian. A selection of his poems have been published in more than an international poetic anthology He has more than ten books to his credit. He has participated in many international festivals of poetry around the world.
When a spike saw the hungry through her eye
It was so sad and said
I wish I were a wheat field
The forest trees heard it and said
We wish our fruits were wheat
The rain also heard it and said
I wish my rain drops become wheat
Dripping through hungry bellies
The dirt heard it too and said
I wish the whole of me became wheat
Even the stones when they heard it said
We wish our hearts become wheat
Only the human heard it and said
I wish.......
But he forgot to finish his sentence!
A bird built his nest
Atop a high tree
The tree called God
I beg you God
Do not send storms in my direction.
The Use of Love
All know the earth is round
No doubt it rotates
But they do not know
That the Lovers heart is what makes it round
And the strength of their love
What makes if rotate.
Gava çavên simbilek genim li birçiyan ket
Pirr xemgîn bû û got:
Xweziya ez zeviyek genim bama
Darên daristanan bihîstin
Wan jî gotin:
Xweziya berên me jî genim bana.
Baranê jî bihîst û wê jî got:
Xweziya barandina min jî biba genim
û biherikiya zikên wan birçiyan.
Guhên axê jî li wê gotinê ketin
û wê jî got: Xweziya ez tev bibama genim.
Ta keviran jî, gava bihîstin,
gotin: Xweziya dilên me jî genim bana
Tenê mirovan gotin: Xweziya…
û jibîrkirin hevoka xwe bi dawî bînin!
Çivîkekê hêlîna xwe
Li ser dareke bilind çêkir
Darê destên xwe
Li ber Xweda vegirtin û got:
Sûda evînê
Tev dizanin
Ku dêmê erdê gilover e
û bê guman jî digere.
Lê ya ku pê nizanin
Dilên evîndaran
Wê gilover dike
Translated from Kurdisch by Mony Zinati
Mony Zinati was born in Jordan. Married with Two children, a boy and a girl. she lives between Amman Jordan, and Washington DC- The united States of America.