Mária Pomšahárová (Slovakia/ Austria) born in Bratislava, Slovakia, is a Slovak poet who enjoys writing additionally in English, Hungarian and Italian. Her mother is Hungarian and later she studied Italian as well. In 2018 her poetry was featured in an English anthology called “100 Poems Are Not Enough”, (Pan Macmillan) India. Her Slovak and English poems can be found in various anthologies.









My body moves to the rhythm of your heartbeat.

I am dressed in white like the lies of my love to you.

Innocent, pure, tender are the colors of my feelings.

Yet your eyes turn colorblind every time you look at me.


My heart tap dances to the rhythm of your body.

It rushes, it slows down, it even skips a beat.

It makes me sick, light-headed, makes me want to faint.

But at the same time, it puts a smile on my face.


I struggle to catch my breath every time I hear your silvery voice.

Sound of your speech suffocates me, but I don't want you to shut up.

Speak those deadly words to me as I pass out in satisfaction.

Sing to me a lullaby while I'm dreaming unconscious.

Don't wake me up, my body is frozen by the look in your eyes.

Let the time stop and the ocean of your disinterest flood me.

Thought of you not knowing the truth cuts through me like a chainsaw.

I cannot stop the bloodbath, it's too late, she has taken your heart.




My heart is roaring like lions

protecting their young from predators.

I wonder, what is my heart trying to protect,

when there's nothing, but the pain.



I roar loud to show how mighty I am.

If you're scared, don't you dare

come closer or else you might take away

my pain, my heart; will end up dead.


Love tough, tough love, pain

means nothing but a beating heart.

You're beating yourself up,

because you think you can't love,

but the truth is,

you can



a new picture of what love is


It's not tough, it's easy, you say.

Well, my heart, stop roaring.

Don't protect what's not yours.

Let it be taken away, stolen, beaten,

killed like an evening prey.

In the morning, you're gonna beg

for new food, because the feast is over.

You've consumed tough love -

you loved tough.





A butterfly flew into the house of my heart.

I didn't even notice that the door's been opened.

It flew around like crazy and made my heart tremble.

I ignored it, but it flew right into my face.

I tried to chase it, wanting it to sit down and settle.

But it seemed to be scared, not wanting to come close.

After some time it became tired and sat down high up.

I could only observe it from the distance and admire it.


Later tonight, I rushed to look around to find it sleeping.

It was not moving, and looked like it is maybe dead.

The butterfly was still alive, and I tried again.

I waited for my copper underwing to be ready to fly.


When the time came, it spread its wings again,

Flew down close to me, I could even touch it.

But it didn't want to stay. It was injured and scared.

It made my heart ache, but I didn't want it to suffer.


It was tired from staying inside of the house.

It for sure missed the fresh air, flowers and trees.

It needed sunshine and not to be stuck inside of my heart.

So, I decided to open the door again and let it be free.


When the door was opened, it was confused, didn't fly out.

I felt sorry to see it flying around, not knowing the way.

I helped the little guy, showed him the way to where freedom is.

I felt calm and sad at the same time because I lost him.


I lost a piece of my heart, a beauty that touched my life.

But I knew, opening the door for him was the right thing to do.

Seeing him dance in the sky, enjoying his freedom, made me smile.


Even though I was broken, I smiled because I saw a butterfly tonight.






Moje telo sa hýbe do rytmu tvojho srdca.

Som odetá v bielom, tak ako lži o mojej láske k tebe.

Nevinné, čisté, nežné sú farby mojich citov.

Ale ty sa stávaš farboslepým vždy, keď ma zahliadneš.


Moje srdce tancuje do rytmu tvojho tela.

Zrýchľuje, spomaľuje, dokonca i poskočí.

Je mi z toho nevoľno, ba sa mi chce i odpadnúť.

Zároveň mi to však vyčaruje úsmev na tvári


Bojujem s obyčajným nádychom vždy, keď počujem tvoj mužný hlas.

Zvuk tvojej reči ma dusí, ale neželám si, aby si mlčal.

Šepkaj mi tie vražedné slová zatiaľ, čo ja omdlievam.

Spievaj mi tú uspávanku zatiaľ, čo ja sním v bezvedomí.


Neprebúdzaj ma, moje telo je zamrazené tvojím pohľadom.

Nechaj čas stáť a oceán tvojho nezáujmu ma plne zaplaviť.

Myšlienka na to, že nepoznáš pravdu reže skrz mňa ako pílka.

Nedokážem zastaviť tú kúpeľ krvi, je neskoro, ona si ťa získala prvá.






Moje srdce reve ako levy,

ktoré sa snažia chrániť svoje mladé pred predátormi.

Divím sa, čo sa snaží moje srdce chrániť,

keď v ňom nič nezostalo, iba bolesť.


Revem mocne, chcem ukázať svoju silu.

Ak ti naháňam strach, neopováž sa

prísť bližšie, lebo čo ak náhodou vezmeš preč

moju bolesť, moje srdce, zomrieš.


Miluješ nepoddajne, nepoddajná láska, boles

to všetko znamená len jedno, bijúce srdce.

Biješ sa do hlavy, pretože si myslíš,

že nevieš milovať,

ale pravda

je taká,

že vieš


nový obraz o tom, čo je láska.

Nie je to ťažké, je to ľahké, vravíš.



Nie je to ťažké, je to ľahké, vravíš.


Tak potom, srdce moje, nerev.


Nesnaž sa chrániť niečo, čo nie je tvoje.


Nechaj nech ti to vezmú, ukradnú, zmlátia,


zabijú ako večernú korisť.


Ráno budeš prosiť o jedlo


lebo hostina sa skončila.


Nažral si sa dosýta nepoddajnej lásky,


nepoddajne si miloval.










V jeden deň si nečakane vletel do môjho domu.


Nevšimla som si, že som nechala otvorené dvere.


Chcela som ťa ignorovať, ale to by bolo šialené.




Naháňala som ťa, chcela som, aby si sa usadil.


Ale ty si mal strach, nechcel si prísť bližšie.


Posadil si sa na stenu a ja som sa iba dívala.




Keď prišiel čas, znovu si roztiahol krídla.


Priletel si ku mne, sadol mi na ruku.


Videla som, že si ranený, bolo mi ťa ľúto.




Potreboval si čerstvý vzduch a slnečné lúče.


Nie byť zatvorený medzi štyrmi stenami.


Bol si unavený, nechcela som, aby si trpel.




Hoci som ťa milovala, otvorila som ti dvere.


Chvíľu si bol zmätený, netrafil si von.


Musela som ti ukázať cestu von za slobodou.




Keď si vyletel z domu môjho srdca,


Bola som smutná a zároveň pokojná.




Usmiala som sa, lebo som videla nádej.


Videla som nočného motýľa.